Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How to retrieve Specific User associated Manager, Director , Title, Department related information in Service Now?

Scenario : Get a specific user associated attributes such as Manager, Job title, Department, etc..


- Create a Catalog Client script
- 'Applies to ' 'Variable Set'
- Select the appropriate variable set name
- Select the apprpriate variable name
- Use below script

function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
var userValue1 = g_form.getReference('variables.cat_requested_for');
// Get Manager
var managerVar = userValue1.manager;

// Get Job title
var managerVar = userValue1.title;

// Get Department
var managerVar = userValue1.department;


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to make 'Service Catalog Shopping Cart Window' scroll-able in Service Now

This blog explains about how can we make 'Service Catalog Shopping Cart Window' Scrollable in Service Now

Scenario: Let's say, My Catalog Item has 500 variables when I scroll down to bottom of the page, I wanted to have 'Shopping cart window' also should be scrollable along with scroll bar


- Create the following Catalog client script

function onLoad() {
   //Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below
 !function(t){t.fn.jScroll=function(n){function o(t){this.min=t.offset().top,this.originalMargin=parseInt(t.css("margin-top"),10)||0,this.getMargin=function(n){var o=t.parent().height()-t.outerHeight(),r=this.originalMargin;return n.scrollTop()>=this.min&&(,r>o&&(r=o),{marginTop:r+"px"}}}var i=t.extend({},t.fn.jScroll.defaults,n);return this.each(function(){var n=t(this),r=window;t("div.cms_layout_container",window.parent.document).length>0&&(r=window.parent);var e=t(r);t("div.touch_scroll").length>0&&(e=t("div.touch_scroll"));var s=new o(n);e.scroll(function(){n.stop().animate(s.getMargin(e),i.speed)})})},t.fn.jScroll.defaults={speed:"slow",top:10}}(jQuery),$j("#sc_cart_contents").jScroll({top:20,speed:1500});

How can we align or split variables in a Catalog Item ?

This blog explains about how to arrange variables in a Service Catalog Item ?

Scenario : Let's say, there are 500 variables in a Catalog Item, Out of box, all these variables displayed in single column, If you want to arrange these variables in three columns


- Create 'Container Start' , 'Contanier Split' , 'Container End' variables wherever required in 'Variables' section in a given Catalog

How to Reduce a Catalog Item Variable width in Service Now ?

This blog explains about how can we manage the height/ width of any variable defined in Servie Catalog Items

- Look for 'Catalog client Script'  , Click on New
- Select the appropriate value for 'Applies to' , If it is 'Variable Set' or 'Catalog Item'
- Follow the below script